Barbara Plattner Ramoner
was born on 7th May 1983 in Brixen (South Tyrol) and grew up in a seven-headed dentist family www.drplattner.it. She started her music career with the flute and the dulcimer till the age of fourteen, where she moreover took up playing the zither, the guitar, the piano, the concertina, the ocarina and the harp. In the year 2000 she received the first price during the competition “Prima la musica” for her brilliant play on the zither.
In October 2005 she finished her studies at the Free University of Bozen with the maximum number of points. Furthermore she successfully passed the qualification tests in the subjects harp and folk music. She was active as a zither, dulcimer and flute teacher at the school of music in Brixen. At numerous international specialization and advanced training seminars she received instructions from various authorities on the harp with whom she gave concerts. She also offers private harp, zither and dulcimer lessons.
Barbara`s versatile repertoire extends from classics to modern music as well as folkloristic music, which she often plays together with her husband, the popular concertina virtuoso Ramoner Philipp (CD “Die Zommgschwoasstn – frech aufg`spielt”).
In addition to that she participated at various sound recordings and innumerable TV-shows (RAI, ORF, 3Sat) and radio transmissions.
Barbara performs in hotels, at weddings, birthday parties, Christmas celebrations, vernisages and fairs, at folkloristic festivals, -celebrations of all kinds – nationally and internationally.
With a blend of talent, passion, vitality and charisma she enchants her audience.
Listening to her music is an experience of mere delight!